Thursday 25 September 2008

Site Update + DLC At My Gamestation

Site Update
Ok i'm trying to put a clock up on my site (I'll put one in) but i'm not sure if it works (because my site in college is beaning LAGGGY lolz) so if not i'll sort it when I get home =D
Ok just yeterday i'll been at my Gametation's Xbox 360 (btw the photo is not mine lolz) and found out u can get DLC if u have a memory card unit in hand so Today got my memory unit and got (thats the only thing in the xbox 360) GH3 Theme & Gamerpics that all they had lolz i'll put a video for proof and recommend U guys to find a Xbox 360 Stationg and get FREEEEEEEEE DLC =D It's coool

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